I started yesterday at Hospice, having a more emotional than usual chat with my counselor, Ginny. Bless her for holding space for a really good cry and purge of a huge pile of "anticipatory grief." I was feeling fragile, mortal, and pessimistic. Then I moseyed into Dr. Sekhon's office for a routine check-in. Shocker, my CA marker fell from 37 to 22! A 15 point drop, 40% reduction in 5 weeks. With all the anticipation of surgery, I had sort of forgotten this was the first blood check since going high dose. The universe cracked open; my mind was zinging around. What does this mean? This reduction is as large as any I had during chemo. But I'm not on chemo, I'm not even on Avastin. I'm on high dose THC. THC! Since my last blood draw, I have gradually increased my daily THC dosage to about 60mg daily. I am now convinced that THC has a dramatic effect on my cancer cells. Dr. Sekhon was not quite speechless, but certainly amazed. Her words of wisdom -- "one data point does not make a trend"-- but we agreed on another blood test before surgery. I will continue with my dosing and look forward to reporting back on my CA 125 on May 13 at my pre-op physical. Surgery is set for May 15th. Until then I will study up. Does anybody know a pharmacologist with an interest in cannabis? I feel like I was just plucked from my life into a Hollywood plot where I have to find a cure for my own cancer. Today anything feels possible, MK
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Schedule 1
A documentary short about Cannabis and Cancer
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