I realize that I've been absent from this space for far longer than I promised, and I apologize. I've been struggling with motivation generally, as I'm still finding it really difficult to adapt to life without Michelle.
Anyhow, I'm writing now because we have an advocacy moment that Michelle would be thrilled about. Please contact your representative ASAP and urge them to support the “Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act”!
The House of Representatives will be voting on the bill this week, perhaps as early as this afternoon so time is of the essence!
This bill, which has already passed the Senate, would loosen the regulatory barriers to cannabis research in the US, and has the potential to greatly increase the amount of research on the life-saving properties of cannabis. It is also likely to get the support of the President (in contrast to broader legalization bills, about which Biden remains skeptical).
This story has a good summary of the bill:

Michelle says: Please contact your representative ASAP and urge them to support the “Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act”!